How fortunate is it to have a blog that very few people actually follow.
I'm on Facebook! There, I've said it and admitted the heinous crime but what is getting my goat today is that some people, and people I consider to be intelligent, are reposting across my timeline a pointless bit of legalese that they feel protects them from Facebook reusing their content.
Clearly they appreciate that Facebook is using their postings to some extent for their own purposes but surely they must realise that when they signed up they agreed to Facebook's terms and conditions. These basically give Mark Zuckerberg and his minions the right to do pretty much whatever they want with anything you tell them? That's why my account is not in my name and some of the stuff I've told them is not true. I like to make them work a little to make money using my data!
I'd love to point this out to these Facebook friends but by doing so I'd come across as some kind of spoilsport or more likely be viewed as an arse. At least I can do that on here and none of them will see it!
Facebook, Twitter, Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, LinkedIn, Snapchat, Instagram, WhatsAp and pretty much all of the other free to use systems that people post randomly on are selling your data to somebody. How else do they make the money they need to run the service? Computer systems cost money you know unless I've been naive by buying my own all these years.
Online, you are the product when you use a free service. And there's nothing you can do to stop it unless you stop using the service!
Rant over.